Monday, April 25, 2011

The Resurrection Story.... told by a third grader:

"Jesus sufficated himself for us 'cause we're bad people...well not always....but sometimes we do bad stuff.  So Jesus sufficated himself.  And then the Dementors came and Jesus' best friend Peter pretended he didn't know Jesus.  Then it got even worse because Judas told on Jesus and then Jesus had to die on a cross.  That's like a little 't'.  They put nails in his hands and then he died.  But he came back to life on Easter, not like a ghost though.  He wasn't a ghost.  He was a real person and the Dementors were happy and so was this lady named Mary.  It's a good story!"

Kids have such a way don't they?  I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

  1. That's cute! Kids really do say the funniest things! :)

    PS - I nominated you for a blog award. It's on my blog now. :)
