Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Bloody Monday!

Can you just hear the British voice that title demands?  Or rather, can you SEE an incredibly hot Brit saying it?  I picture someone like this:

Yes Please! :)  I need to find me a British man!

This post though, has absolutely nothing to do with the British....rather, it's Bloody Mary Monday in this household!  And that, in itself, is something to be celebrated!  Mondays are simply no fun and thus we have decided to declare Mondays "Bloody Monday!"

In other news, I have decided that Mondays would also be a good time for a confession session.  Afterall, after a full week and the weekend, there are always things that I need to get off my chest.  So here we go with the first "Confess Sesh"

1.  It snowed a lot this weekend and there are LARGE piles of snow everywhere.  Everytime I see one, I find myself wanting to throw on snowpants and boots and climb that sucker!  Maybe it's reminiscent of my elementary school days and playing king of the hill?

2.  I may or may not have showered at all this weekend...... Yes, that's right....I was a dirty little greaseball.....and I'm not ashamed to admit it! (okay, maybe a little)

3.  I write things in my planner and on a to-do list after I've done them.  There is something seriously satisfying about being able to cross things off!

4.  I am seriously addicted to Christmas music lately.  In the car, in my room, at work....doesn't matter where, I'm listening to Christmas music. 

5.  The Vikings are playing today and I'm secretly hoping their defense sucks it up....this may or may not be because my fantasy football QB is on the other team.  

6.  I'm secretly starting to wonder if teaching is the right career for me.  More on that later.....

7.  I laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME the Geico commerical with the pig crying all the way home comes on.  Seriously, it!

8.  I really don't have an 8....I just didn't want to end on an odd number because I really hate odd numbers.

Happy Bloody Monday! :)

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