Friday, February 4, 2011

I'd like to apologize..... anyone who may have come into contact with me today, 'cause let's face it: 

I am a HOT MESS today!!

You know those days where you're not feeling well and you're so exhausted that even the idea of getting up to wash your hair sounds insanely difficult?  Yep, havin' one of those today.  So rather than wash my hair, I may or may not have hit the snooze button five a few times, rolled outta bed, attempted to put on some makeup and pull my hair back and run out the door......without my coffee.  I am a hot, noncaffinated mess!

But, I just came from Wells Fargo where I signed up for a new checking account (apparently when you graduate from college you should switch from the college account to the "big girl" account) and the really nice banker reversed my bill pay fees for the past three months!  Lovin' me some free money! :)'s FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Totally feeling you today! I have been in pajamas all day with crazy hair. I did shower, but that was about it. Haha!!
