Monday, February 21, 2011

What You Want in Life....

Okay, let's talk about that Beyaz commercial.  You know the one I'm talking about.  The one where the girls go shopping through this 'life mall' that has everything you'd ever want in life.  Everything from a signficant other to a master's degree to your first house.  You know the one I'm talking about?  Here it is in case you're still lost:


Can I just say how incredibly fabulous it would be to have an actual store like that?  One where you could just go down an aisle and decide to pick out a trip to Europe or better yet, a house?  Okay, okay, I know this is a commercial for birth control but what if there was truly a store like this out there?

All I'm sayin' is that this is one girl who would be lining up to shop there! :)

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