Happy New Year!
How was your New Years? Mal and I headed up to Osseo to hang out with Bekah and Chad and let me just say it was a blast! Highlights include playing dicecapades and Bonanza (more commonly known as BEAN FARMER!), drinking and celebrating the new year at Duffy's.
Havin' fun already! :)
This was a gift from one of my kindergarteners!
Sweetest hats ever!
All-in-all, it was a great New Years!
Now......dum-dum-dum-dum DUM......it's resolution time.
Get a better hold on my finances!
This one is going to require organization and that I actually MAKE some money! With three jobs, I'm thinking I should be fine! :)
Send more cards
Let's face it....everyone likes to get mail and no, I'm not talking about bills! I'm going to send more birthday cards, anniversary cards and just because cards this year!
Use my gym membership more often!
This means I may actually have to gasp.....WORKOUT! I tend to use the membership strictly in the summer for the pool.....this year, I'm going to actually try to workout more often. And no, I'm not going to put a number as to how many times per week....that just seems like setting myself up for failure! :)
Make my bed more often
Does anyone else have this problem? I NEVER make my bed. Oh, there are times when I may quick pull the covers up but actually make it? Um....only when people come over! This year, my goal is going to be to actually make it (decorative pillows and all) more often......at least 3-4 times a week!
Keep my room clean for longer than 3-4 days.
I have this problem where I'll clean my room and it will stay clean and organized for a few days. And then......life happens. With my life being so busy, I find that at the end of the night, I come home and just fall into bed. This means clothes are left EVERYWHERE, there are constantly piles of mail on my desk and cups seem to just stack up. This year, I'm going to take the extra few minutes to quick put things away when I get home so that my room can stay clean and organized!
Use my planner....ALL YEAR!
I love to organize and I LOVE planners. But I notice that I tend to use one for a few months and then I just stop. And that's when my life starts to get out of control. This year, I'm going to CONSISTANTLY use it ALL YEAR!
Highlight my hair
I have never dyed or highlighted my hair......ever! I hate how dark it gets in the winter though and I have been toying around with highlighting it for the past three winters. I think this is the year! :)
Take a picture every day for the entire year.
I read an article somewhere about a lady who decided to take at least one picture a day for an entire year. In the end, she had a great picture journal of her year and had a blast taking different types of pictures. I think this sounds like so much fun! My goal is simply to take one picture a day...some might be creative, some might be just for fun. We'll see where this goes! Here's today's picture:
"These Are a Few of My Favorite Things!"
Spend more time with my grandparents
One of my sets of grandparents lives about 10 minutes away from me, yet I never see them. My goal is to drop by and see them more often....maybe on Dancing with the Stars nights! :)
Drink more milk and water.
Should be easy enough.....oh wait, this is me we're talking about. This one is going to require a conscious effort on my part!
And that's that! What are some of your resolutions?
Happy 2011!
Happy 2011!
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