Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You Know You're From Minnesota When.....

You measure distance in minutes instead of miles.

You've had school cancelled because of snow or freezing temperatures.

You wear shorts and tanks in March when it's 50 degrees out but complain when the temperature dips below 60 degrees in August.

You drink POP and not soda or coke.

You know how to correctly say Shakopee and Wayzata.

You laugh everytime you hear about a snowstorm out east shutting down the entire coast.

You know at least 5 people who own a cabin.

You call highways "freeways"

And the number one way you know you're from Minnesota......

You take photos like this on your way home from work because even YOU are impressed with the amount of snow that has already fallen!

In other news, Chloe-cat got her stitches and staples removed today.  She wasn't too pleased to be back at the vet but seemed much happier when she realized she was going home with me.  She was also more than thrilled to be allowed to play in the bathtub again!  Crazy cat LOVES water!

(This is also my Photo of the Day!)

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